So do you ever heard about what attention deficit is? Today i will explain what this perturbation is, because it is much more common that what you think, and it is okay! Pays attention.
Attention deficit disorder is considered by the OMS to be a disorder of neurodevelopment and correspondence to the occurrence of attention spans scanty or brief and an exaggerated impulsiveness with age. Although it is more common in children, (about 5% to 10% of school-age children and is 10 times more common in boys than girls, according to CUF website), can also manifest in adults, although, as a rule, symptoms are noticed before 12 years of age. Being one by the studied area of psychiatry. In addition, attention deficit can manifest itself in two ways, being very similar, with (ADHD) or without (ADD) hyperactivity, which tends to improve with age. As for the symptoms of attention deficit, these go far beyond the lack of concentration or distraction that is normally associated with this disturbance. As a rule, patients have, for example: difficulty in listening to others, inability to complete tasks, difficulty expressing your feelings, discouragement or talking excessively. It should also be noted that there are several specters of this disorder and many people may only have very mild symptoms that can be confused as common loss of attention as we all have, hence it is quite important to be aware of the signs. The Attention Deficit Disorder is caused by a neurological dysfunction that affects the functioning of the prefrontal cortex. This is the brain area responsible for attention, organization, impulse control, among others functions. Therefore, this disturbance is associated with the deficiency of the Dopamine neurotransmitter. Therefore, people with ADD are faced with difficulties in finding the necessary attention to carry out a task and when they try excessively to seek that attention, the activity of the prefrontal cortex, instead of increasing, decreases, worsening the clinical picture of the patient.
