Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Hi guys, today I'm here to tell the story of my cousin Jules. She is the funniest girl in the world, but due to a traumatic experience she had when she was little, she became very shy.
When she was just 8 years old my uncles left her at home alone, while they went to the supermarket. In those 10 minutes, her house was robbed and "Ju" was almost kidnapped if my uncles hadn't arrived in time and hadn't called the police. The memory of the robbers' voices is still pretty fixed in her head even though it's been 10 years.
Due to this experience Jules has PTSD and now she goes to the psychologist every week and takes some medication. I love her with all my heart and my whole family really supports her because our life couldn't be the same without her.
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